Thursday, September 8, 2011

Palm Beach Post Grossly Unfair and Unbalanced!

September 7, 2011 Post Rebuttal I would like to address and give a different perspective on an article written by Andrew Marra on August 31, 2011. The headline of the article read, “Gadfly right, Muoio wrong”.

African Americans have, for many years, felt they have been treated differently by the press, government, police department and other institutions that govern this great country. Whenever someone from our community is portrayed so differently and the article is so grossly unfair and unbalanced, this gives credence to their beliefs.

The headline from the onset refers to me as a gadfly but addresses Mayor Muoio by her name. The heading should have read, “McCray right, Muoio wrong”, thus giving me the same respect as Muoio. If you felt the need to refer to me as a gadfly, in this narrative, that would have been fine but the heading should give both of the objects the same respect. If you called me a gadfly at the beginning, then you should have called Muoio a First Amendment rights violator or something similar.

In the article, I was called goading but gave no evidence to prove that I am goading? I was called litigious. I have only filed one lawsuit in my entire life and it was against the city of West Palm Beach and I won that lawsuit. How does that make me a litigious person? Mr. Marra then said I was a haranguer. If you listen to my speeches, they are not rants; they are intellectual and appear to be very professional and truthful.

I have watched many other people speak, criticizing the city and they were allowed to go on and on and also praise the city and they were allowed to go on and on. I correctly pointed out that these people were Caucasians. I then explained, it is racist for them to be treated differently because I and other African Americans have been shut off. Due to the fact that this is true, that Caucasians are not interrupted but African Americans are, this is discrimination and racism. If there’s another explanation, please give it to us.

The article said, Mr. McCray is probably right and the city should probably not interpret the First Amendment the way they do. The city should not be given any room on this issue, either I am right and they are wrong or the city is right and I am wrong. There should be no wiggle room or misunderstanding about what the First Amendment means.

The Supreme Court recently ruled, with an 8-1 decision, Westboro Baptist Church, who truly says outlandish, demeaning and very irresponsible words, had a right to do so. The First Amendment is not needed to protect speech that is complimentary or pleasing because no one objects. That Amendment is to defend speech that may be offensive or hurtful to the masses. This is what the founding fathers wrote the First Amendment for and this is the foundation for the rest of the Constitution of the United States.

The Post writer, Mr. Marra, continues to say there’s nothing wrong with setting minimum standards for civilized discourse. Who decides what civilized discourse is? Surely Mr. Marra understands if there’s no profanity, threats, or violence, it must be civilized, even if you don’t like the contents of the speech.

The city will soon be telling this writer what is appropriate for him to write about the city or anything else. The city has shown a propensity to make its own laws and when another government body says something that is in disagreement with this governing body, they have a major problem with that. The city has a problem with Palm Beach County widening roads. The city has a problem with the State Legislatures decision on Second Amendment rights. The city has also decided to make its own laws regarding Second Amendment rights, which is also contrary to the Constitution of the United States.

The Palm Beach Post has written about the incompetence of the city dais. The Post have also written how this dais does not follow the will of the voters by building city center and other abuses of the previous, Mayor Lois Frankel. Mayor Muoio has the same political DNA and continues the same political abuse of power and authority of her predecessor and mentor, Lois Frankel.

The Palm Beach Post has written about how this dais appears to be incapable of properly governing this city and that is why the city is politically, culturally and economically dysfunctional. Lastly, the writer, Mr. Marra spoke of me having a checkered past. My checkered past, in large part, is due to the retaliation of the city of West Palm Beach, once they learned I was suing the city, due to their discrimination and racism against me and other officers at the West Palm Beach Police Department.

There is much more that can be said by me about this dais dysfunctional governance of the city of West Palm Beach, much of which has already been reported on by the Palm Beach Post but this should suffice for now as these captions in the article have been addressed. Thank you for you accommodation.

William McCray

1 comment:

  1. Mr. McCray you are 100% right. I have been following you and your case for many months now. This governing body of idiots will destroy this city by their own actions and have nobody to blame but themselves. Continue your fight…and give’ em hell!!!


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