Sunday, August 21, 2011

Lois frankel hates black and poor people.

This blog is dedicated towards telling the truth about Lois Frankels disgusting, filthy and shameful political career. Also exposing earthquake Frankels destruction towards West Palm Beach, politically, socially, and economically.

 Check back for more.


  1. Love whats happening here, its about time a site was dedicated towards her shameful political career. Keep it up!

  2. You'll know a horse by it's track record and Lois Frankel has not been a champion for the poor. She started her first run for mayor of the city of West Palm Beach saying, helping the poorest neighborhoods was her motivation for wanting to become mayor. Quite to the contrary. Within 48 hours of victory, her conversation changed from the poor and blighted communities to "downtown" and her commitment, efforts and our tax dollars have remained there throughout her tenure of 8 years. The pennies spent in Coleman Park were primarily grants and came in the 11th hour of her leaving office. Hypocrite at best.


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